Domain Name

Is the name that a site owner gives to a website, which appears in the website’s URL and email addresses.

Why do you need a Domain Name?

If you’re an individual, business, or organization planning to have an Internet presence then you need to register and invest in a domain name. This will be your unique identity on the Internet. Having your own domain name will make your website looks professional. Then another reason for a business to register a domain name is to protect copyrights and trademarks, build creditability, increase brand awareness, and search engine positioning.

In, we give every new customer a free domain if they don’t have one and just starting their website. Visit us @ for more details.

Your website is a sure success if you chose the right domain name. However, the number of domains that are taken now is almost completed, so finding a good domain name is now difficult to do.

Here are the 3 reasons why a good domain name is important.

  1. The first impression lasts. Experts say it takes between five to 15 seconds for someone to form a first impression about a person. This is not different from your domain name, why? Your URL is the first thing your visitors will see and having a good domain makes a positive and lasting impression.
  2. Your domain name is your branding opportunity. It defines your brand and can increase brand recognition.
  3. SEO rank. Keywords in your domain name will help your ranking.

In this article, we will share with you how to pick a good domain name in a simple way.

Well, “.com” is the most popular and easiest to remember. This domain extension is still the best and safest as of now. But your website will probably do better with a “.net” and “.org”, as there are many successful websites that use this. (.com; .net; .org;.tk; .uk) Note: Avoid weird extensions as much as possible.

The most common name length in research is approximately 12 characters. So, remember, the shorter the better, and don’t exceed the minimum of 6-12 characters. If you can’t find a short one then better make it brandable.

You want your domain to be remembered and easily passed along to others, then make it easy to pronounce and easy to spell. Do not use complicated words that will make your visitors’ tongues twisted. Also, avoid using numbers and hyphens- just stick to letters. Your domain name should be smooth and punchy, but putting numbers and hyphens will make it look difficult.

Mostly, people use as a domain name what their website is about or what they offer. This is good when it comes to SEO ranking, as the ‘keyword’ is already within the domain name.

If you think there’s a chance you might expand, then think long-term and reconsider your domain name. Don’t think that it easy to change the domain name in the future. It’s a huge pain really-it will cost you money, branding, and SEO rankings.

Always checked your chosen domain name to avoid legal issues. When building your brand, it’s ideal to have the same name across your domain and social networks. This builds familiarity and makes it easy for your visitors, fans, and customers to find you around the web.

To achieve this, just make sure that your domain is a unique one- not trademarked or already use. You can search for your perfect domain with, just simply register and search for your domain.

Do these when getting stuck in choosing your domain name. Yes, this happened- we get overwhelmed and then cannot think of anything else after. Or you already have one in mind but it’s already taken or trademarked. This is where Domain Name Generators play their part.

Check out and other generators online.

When choosing or making your domain name, just remember what you learn in this article. Make sure you put some careful thought into choosing your domain name before registering.

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