Explanation of Domain Name Registrar vs. Web Host and More

When it’s time to register a new website, many people are confused that Domain Registration and Web Hosting are all the same and it doesn’t matter where they will register. In this article, we will help you understand the difference between the two. DOMAIN NAME REGISTRAR When someone wants to create a website the first […]

VPS Vs Cloud Hosting: What Is The Right For You?

INTRODUCTION: UNDERSTANDING THE BASIC Many misunderstand the difference between Cloud hosting and VPS hosting, that is due to a lack of awareness and many tend to misreads the basic difference between the two. Both are solid hosting options, they no more need to own a physical architecture (a CPU with certain specifications of processor, RAM, […]

RunHost Vs. HostGator: Which One Is Better?

Who is RunHost? RunHost (formerly Heaven Hoster) is a British hosting provider and has been in business for over 10 years. They offer feature-rich plans at reasonable prices and still growing now. Who is HostGator? HostGator is one of the biggest hosting companies and has been around for more than 2 decades. They stand for […]

RunHost vs Hostinger: Which Has The Better Feature?

By: Sarah C. In this blog, we will compare our RunHost to Hostinger. We will see what differentiates RunHost from other providers. All web hosting providers are not equal in some ways. Although some look promising and excellent, they have hidden charges or some plans that do not meet your need. Here, we are to […]

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