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Always Boost the Security of Your Dedicated Server: How?


A dedicated server is a great way to run your business, but it can also be a target for hackers. If you’re using a dedicated server, keeping it secure is critical. Here are some ways you can use security measures to keep your dedicated server safe from unwanted visitors and intruders:

Secure your server with SSL certificates

SSL certificates are used to encrypt data between your server and your website visitors. They are free, but you need to install them on your server. There are different types of SSL certificates, some more secure than others.

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer, which is an encryption protocol used by browsers like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox when connecting to websites over HTTP (the web protocol). The usual way people see this in action is when they go to a bank website and see “https://” after the address bar at the top of their browser window. This means that instead of sending information as plain text (like “http://www”), it’s encrypted so that only you can read what’s being sent back and forth between servers—and even then only if you’re trusted with a private key (more on those later).

Always back up all your data in a secure way

  • Back up all your data in a secure way.
  • Use a secure backup service.
  • Back up all your data regularly and keep it backed up to an external hard drive or cloud storage service (e.g., Dropbox).

Protect your server against potential hacking attempts

The best way to protect your server is by using a firewall. A firewall is a software that protects against unauthorized access and intrusion attempts. This can be done in two ways:

  • Firewalls are built into most dedicated servers, so there’s no need for you to install them on your own machine. However, if you don’t have a dedicated server yet but plan on getting one soon, it might be worth buying one with built-in firewalls (or buying one separately).
  • If you want more control over how much protection is provided by the firewall on your dedicated machine—for example, if it doesn’t block all traffic from the internet—you can install custom IP tables rules yourself instead of letting them come pre-installed with the operating system or hardware manufacturer’s default configuration settings

Restrict access to certain IPs only

You can restrict access to your IPs by either using a firewall or by setting up a VPN. A firewall is simply an application that monitors the traffic coming into and out of your server, blocking certain types of traffic from entering or leaving your network. If you want to restrict access to certain IPs only, then you’ll need to set up two things: one for incoming connections and another for outgoing ones.

If you’re going with a firewall, then we recommend creating rules based on the following criteria:

  • Block all incoming connections except those from specific source ports (e.g., 80). This will prevent hackers from initiating attacks against your server via malware or other threats!
  • Allow only specific services through port 443/tcp (SSL). The most common protocols used by hackers are HTTP/HTTPS which would require them accessing their servers via this port number before they could gain access into them successfully.”

Consider a Managed Server

One of the best things you can do for yourself is actually to consider a managed server if the idea of handling all these securities seems a big burden for you. With this, you’ll have your own administrator who will handle all the important aspects of protecting your security and will save you a lot of time. You can check our managed dedicated hosting for more information.

The more you do protect your dedicated server against hackers, the better.

  • If you have a dedicated server, you should also consider how to protect it. A dedicated server is an alternative to shared hosting that allows you to host your website or service on a single machine. This means that all the data stored on the server is inaccessible to others who may try to access it, whether they’re hackers looking for vulnerabilities in your system or simply someone trying to find out who owns the site by guessing at its IP address (the unique number assigned when accessing any device).
  • There are many ways in which you can improve security for your dedicated server:
  • Use SSL certificates from reputable companies such as Comodo and GeoTrust that encrypt data before sending it across networks or even via email messages using third-party services like Gmail or Outlook.*Backup regularly.*Protect against hacking attempts by restricting access only through certain IPs so only known individuals can log into things like SSH tunnels; this way if someone tries something funny with their browser then they won’t be able


These are just a few of the things that you can do to protect your dedicated server. It’s not hard, but it will take some time and effort to get everything up and running properly. If you have any questions about our services, please feel free to contact us or visit our website

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